When you get stressed or overwhelmed, it can be helpful to recite a prayer, mantra or affirmation. Just what do I mean by a prayer, mantra or affirmation? Well let’s see what merriam-webster.com has to say
According to Merriam-Webster
Definition of prayer (Entry 1 of 2)
1 a (1): an address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought
(2): a set order of words used in praying
b: an earnest request or wish
2: the act or practice of praying to God or a god
Definition of mantra
: a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated by someone who is praying or meditating
: a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs
Definition of affirmation
a : the act of affirming
b : something affirmed : a positive assertion
Find a prayer, mantra or positive affirmation that resonates with you. A couple good prayers to use are the Lord's Prayer or the Serenity Prayer. Some mantras examples you can use are Aum or the Om(Pronounced 'Ohm'), I am that I am, It is well. A few positive affirmations are I am peaceful and calm, I am safe and secure, I am worthy of all my goals and dreams. Pinterest and Google are great resources for finding Mantras and Positive Affirmations!
Make a list of a few that you really like or that fit certain situations, like morning, bedtime, or moments of self-doubt. Then when you are stressed recite one or more to yourself for a minimum of 3 times. I tend to recite mine 9 times or more(more when I'm extremely stressed!)
To help you keep up with how many times you have recited it, use a Rosary, Prayer Beads set(7, 9, 21 beads on a string/bracelet), or a Mala(108 beads). You can purchase these online or make your own. I want to make a set out of gemstones and lava stone beads to be able to add a couple drops of essential oil to it.
Give this self-care technique a try next time you are stressed or overwhelmed and see how it helps you!
Come back here and let me know what prayer, mantra, or affirmation you found and used!