When you get stressed or overwhelmed, it can be helpful to recite a prayer, mantra or affirmation. Just what do I mean by a prayer, mantra or affirmation? Well let’s see what merriam-webster.com has to say
According to Merriam-Webster
Definition of prayer (Entry 1 of 2)
1 a (1): an address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought
(2): a set order of words used in praying
b: an earnest request or wish
2: the act or practice of praying to God or a god
Definition of mantra
: a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated by someone who is praying or meditating
: a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs
Definition of affirmation
a : the act of affirming
b : something affirmed : a positive assertion
Find a prayer, mantra or positive affirmation that resonates with you. A couple good prayers to use are the Lord's Prayer or the Serenity Prayer. Some mantras examples you can use are Aum or the Om(Pronounced 'Ohm'), I am that I am, It is well. A few positive affirmations are I am peaceful and calm, I am safe and secure, I am worthy of all my goals and dreams. Pinterest and Google are great resources for finding Mantras and Positive Affirmations!
Make a list of a few that you really like or that fit certain situations, like morning, bedtime, or moments of self-doubt. Then when you are stressed recite one or more to yourself for a minimum of 3 times. I tend to recite mine 9 times or more(more when I'm extremely stressed!)
To help you keep up with how many times you have recited it, use a Rosary, Prayer Beads set(7, 9, 21 beads on a string/bracelet), or a Mala(108 beads). You can purchase these online or make your own. I want to make a set out of gemstones and lava stone beads to be able to add a couple drops of essential oil to it.
Give this self-care technique a try next time you are stressed or overwhelmed and see how it helps you!
Come back here and let me know what prayer, mantra, or affirmation you found and used!

Carving out space in your home or yard that is just for you can help you find balance when you are stressed or overwhelmed. It doesn't have to be a big space nor does it have to be fancy. It just needs to be a space you call your own.
I'm talking about creating a sacred space. A space that you don't do any work in. A space you can go to when you need to think or have a time out. A place you can go and spend at least 10 minutes a day in, whether inside or outside your home.
A few simple sacred spaces you could create are:
In the corner of a room.
The center of a closet.
That sunny window seat.
Lounge chair beside the pool.
The swing on the porch.
A shady spot in the garden.
You don't really need much in a sacred space but some people see more benefit with the more elaborate spaces. We'll talk about more involved sacred spaces in a later post.
So what do you do in your sacred space?
Have a cup of coffee or tea while contemplating the day.
Practice your daily gratitude
Write in your journal
Read your morning or evening devotional
Just Breathe
Enjoy nature
If you have started practicing any of the techniques I've shared in my previous posts, try them in your sacred space. You'll see more benefit from your daily gratitude journaling and/or mindful breathing practices by doing them in a sacred space! It really does add more to them.
So, tell me below where is your sacred space(s)?

With all the stress and anxiety going on in our lives right now, I'd like to share with you a simple technique to help you in the midst of the overwhelm. All that is required is for you to breathe. Let me show you.
Find a comfortable seat in your car, break room, living room or even the bathroom. Now close your eyes.
Take a slow deep breath in counting to 4 and hold for a 4 count(1-2-3-4).
Then slowly let the breath out counting to 4.
Take another slow deep breath in counting to 4 and hold for a 4 count.
Then slowly let the breath out counting to 4.
Take another slow deep breath in counting to 4 and hold for a 4 count.
Then slowly let it out counting to 4.
Continue this mindful breathing technique for as long as you wish but doing it at least 3 times.
There are several ways you can add to this technique. I'll share a few in the future. Be sure to follow the blog!
Comment below when you try this technique and let me know how you like it.

Developing a daily attitude of gratitude can make a huge difference in your daily life!
It's a great way to start the day on a positive note and can help shift the energy when the day causes you to become stressed or grumpy.
One way to do this is with Gratitude journaling. It's keeping a record of appreciation or thanks for all that you have received in your life whether from a person, nature, or The Universe/Divine. But it is so much more than that.
Like meditation, gratitude journaling is simply just a way of getting your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts from something negative toward the positive.
By helping you focus on the positive things in your life.
When practiced routinely, there are many great benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. There have been many studies done on practicing gratitude and the benefits the practitioner receives. They have found that when you routinely practice gratitude it can:
Increase concentration and attention span.
Increase self-awareness
Increase awareness of surroundings.
Increase mental clarity and may improve memory
Increases mental discipline and willpower
Reduces muscle tension and relaxes the body
Reduce stress and symptoms of stress-related conditions.
Reduce anxiety, phobias, and OCD
Improve healthy sleep patterns
Improve depression and outlook on life.
Improve positive thoughts and feelings of self as well as others
Create a positive mood.
One thing to keep in mind with this practice is, gratitude is an emotion. So when you are journaling, you should do it with FEELING for what you're thankful for. Otherwise, you're just making a list of things. It won't have the same results.